Booking Form 2018.docx Booking Form 2018.docx
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Please go to the Availability-Tariff page to check availability. This is updated regularly, but obviously is a guide and liable to change. Then go to our contact us page and assuming it is available, please complete the booking form and either email or send it to us. In the meantime, if you want to make a provisional booking, please either email or ring us to confirm dates etc.

When we have been able to confirm that the property is available as required we will ask you to send us a deposit of 30% of the holiday costs.  We will then send you a holiday confirmation form and receipt for the deposit.  Please check these carefully to be absolutely sure neither of us has made any mistakes.

We ask that you pay the balance of your holiday costs 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the holiday (this date will be stated clearly in the holiday confirmation form we send you).  If you are making a late booking and your holiday is due to start within 8 weeks we will ask you to pay the full amount of your holiday.  Payment can be made via BACS or cheque.